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Full Refresh SyncYes
Incremental - Append SyncYes
Replicate Incremental DeletesYes
SSL SupportYes
SSH Tunnel ConnectionYes
NamespacesYesEnabled by default
ArraysYesByte arrays are not supported yet

The MySQL source does not alter the schema present in your database. Depending on the destination connected to this source, however, the schema may be altered. See the destination's documentation for more details.


There may be problems with mapping values in MySQL's datetime field to other relational data stores. MySQL permits zero values for date/time instead of NULL which may not be accepted by other data stores. To work around this problem, you can pass the following key value pair in the JDBC connector of the source setting zerodatetimebehavior=Converttonull.

Some users reported that they could not connect to Amazon RDS MySQL or MariaDB. This can be diagnosed with the error message: Cannot create a PoolableConnectionFactory. To solve this issue add enabledTLSProtocols=TLSv1.2 in the JDBC parameters.

Another error that users have reported when trying to connect to Amazon RDS MySQL is Error: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30001ms.. Many times this is can be due to the VPC not allowing public traffic, however, we recommend going through this AWS troubleshooting checklist to the correct permissions/settings have been granted to allow connection to your database.

Getting Started (Airbyte Cloud)

On Airbyte Cloud, only TLS connections to your MySQL instance are supported. Other than that, you can proceed with the open-source instructions below.

Getting Started (Airbyte Open-Source)


  1. MySQL Server 8.0, 5.7, or 5.6.
  2. Create a dedicated read-only Airbyte user with access to all tables needed for replication.

1. Make sure your database is accessible from the machine running Airbyte

This is dependent on your networking setup. The easiest way to verify if Airbyte is able to connect to your MySQL instance is via the check connection tool in the UI.

2. Create a dedicated read-only user with access to the relevant tables (Recommended but optional)

This step is optional but highly recommended to allow for better permission control and auditing. Alternatively, you can use Airbyte with an existing user in your database.

To create a dedicated database user, run the following commands against your database:

CREATE USER 'airbyte'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password_here';

The right set of permissions differ between the STANDARD and CDC replication method. For STANDARD replication method, only SELECT permission is required.

GRANT SELECT ON <database name>.* TO 'airbyte'@'%';



Your database user should now be ready for use with Airbyte.

3. Set up CDC

For STANDARD replication method this is not applicable. If you select the CDC replication method then only this is required. Please read the section on CDC below for more information.

4. That's it!

Your database user should now be ready for use with Airbyte.

Change Data Capture (CDC)

  • If you need a record of deletions and can accept the limitations posted below, you should be able to use CDC for MySQL.
  • If your data set is small, and you just want snapshot of your table in the destination, consider using Full Refresh replication for your table instead of CDC.
  • If the limitations prevent you from using CDC and your goal is to maintain a snapshot of your table in the destination, consider using non-CDC incremental and occasionally reset the data and re-sync.
  • If your table has a primary key but doesn't have a reasonable cursor field for incremental syncing (i.e. updated_at), CDC allows you to sync your table incrementally.

CDC Limitations

  • Make sure to read our CDC docs to see limitations that impact all databases using CDC replication.
  • Our CDC implementation uses at least once delivery for all change records.

1. Enable binary logging

You must enable binary logging for MySQL replication. The binary logs record transaction updates for replication tools to propagate changes. You can configure your MySQL server configuration file with the following properties, which are described in below:

server-id                  = 223344
log_bin = mysql-bin
binlog_format = ROW
binlog_row_image = FULL
binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 864000
  • server-id : The value for the server-id must be unique for each server and replication client in the MySQL cluster. The server-id should be a non-zero value. If the server-id is already set to a non-zero value, you don't need to make any change. You can set the server-id to any value between 1 and 4294967295. For more information refer mysql doc
  • log_bin : The value of log_bin is the base name of the sequence of binlog files. If the log_bin is already set, you don't need to make any change. For more information refer mysql doc
  • binlog_format : The binlog_format must be set to ROW. For more information refer mysql doc
  • binlog_row_image : The binlog_row_image must be set to FULL. It determines how row images are written to the binary log. For more information refer mysql doc
  • binlog_expire_logs_seconds : This is the number of seconds for automatic binlog file removal. We recommend 864000 seconds (10 days) so that in case of a failure in sync or if the sync is paused, we still have some bandwidth to start from the last point in incremental sync. We also recommend setting frequent syncs for CDC.

2. Enable GTIDs (Optional)

Global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) uniquely identify transactions that occur on a server within a cluster. Though not required for a Airbyte MySQL connector, using GTIDs simplifies replication and enables you to more easily confirm if primary and replica servers are consistent. For more information refer mysql doc

  • Enable gtid_mode : Boolean that specifies whether GTID mode of the MySQL server is enabled or not. Enable it via mysql> gtid_mode=ON
  • Enable enforce_gtid_consistency : Boolean that specifies whether the server enforces GTID consistency by allowing the execution of statements that can be logged in a transactionally safe manner. Required when using GTIDs. Enable it via mysql> enforce_gtid_consistency=ON

3. Set up initial waiting time(Optional)


This is an advanced feature. Use it if absolutely necessary.

The MySQl connector may need some time to start processing the data in the CDC mode in the following scenarios:

  • When the connection is set up for the first time and a snapshot is needed
  • When the connector has a lot of change logs to process

The connector waits for the default initial wait time of 5 minutes (300 seconds). Setting the parameter to a longer duration will result in slower syncs, while setting it to a shorter duration may cause the connector to not have enough time to create the initial snapshot or read through the change logs. The valid range is 300 seconds to 1200 seconds.

If you know there are database changes to be synced, but the connector cannot read those changes, the root cause may be insufficient waiting time. In that case, you can increase the waiting time (example: set to 600 seconds) to test if it is indeed the root cause. On the other hand, if you know there are no database changes, you can decrease the wait time to speed up the zero record syncs.

4. Set up server timezone(Optional)


This is an advanced feature. Use it if absolutely necessary.

In CDC mode, the MySQl connector may need a timezone configured if the existing MySQL database been set up with a system timezone that is not recognized by the IANA Timezone Database.

In this case, you can configure the server timezone to the equivalent IANA timezone compliant timezone. (e.g. CEST -> Europe/Berlin).


When a sync runs for the first time using CDC, Airbyte performs an initial consistent snapshot of your database. Airbyte doesn't acquire any table locks (for tables defined with MyISAM engine, the tables would still be locked) while creating the snapshot to allow writes by other database clients. But in order for the sync to work without any error/unexpected behaviour, it is assumed that no schema changes are happening while the snapshot is running.

If seeing EventDataDeserializationException errors intermittently with root cause EOFException or SocketException, you may need to extend the following MySql server timeout values by running:

set global slave_net_timeout = 120;
set global thread_pool_idle_timeout = 120;

Connection via SSH Tunnel

Airbyte has the ability to connect to a MySQl instance via an SSH Tunnel. The reason you might want to do this because it is not possible (or against security policy) to connect to the database directly (e.g. it does not have a public IP address).

When using an SSH tunnel, you are configuring Airbyte to connect to an intermediate server (a.k.a. a bastion sever) that does have direct access to the database. Airbyte connects to the bastion and then asks the bastion to connect directly to the server.

Using this feature requires additional configuration, when creating the source. We will talk through what each piece of configuration means.

  1. Configure all fields for the source as you normally would, except SSH Tunnel Method.

  2. SSH Tunnel Method defaults to No Tunnel (meaning a direct connection). If you want to use an SSH Tunnel choose SSH Key Authentication or Password Authentication.

    1. Choose Key Authentication if you will be using an RSA private key as your secret for establishing the SSH Tunnel (see below for more information on generating this key).
    2. Choose Password Authentication if you will be using a password as your secret for establishing the SSH Tunnel.

    Since Airbyte Cloud requires encrypted communication, select SSH Key Authentication or Password Authentication if you selected preferred as the SSL Mode; otherwise, the connection will fail.

  3. SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host refers to the intermediate (bastion) server that Airbyte will connect to. This should be a hostname or an IP Address.

  4. SSH Connection Port is the port on the bastion server with which to make the SSH connection. The default port for SSH connections is 22, so unless you have explicitly changed something, go with the default.

  5. SSH Login Username is the username that Airbyte should use when connection to the bastion server. This is NOT the MySQl username.

  6. If you are using Password Authentication, then SSH Login Username should be set to the password of the User from the previous step. If you are using SSH Key Authentication leave this blank. Again, this is not the MySQl password, but the password for the OS-user that Airbyte is using to perform commands on the bastion.

  7. If you are using SSH Key Authentication, then SSH Private Key should be set to the RSA Private Key that you are using to create the SSH connection. This should be the full contents of the key file starting with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and ending with -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.

Generating an SSH Key Pair

The connector expects an RSA key in PEM format. To generate this key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa

This produces the private key in pem format, and the public key remains in the standard format used by the authorized_keys file on your bastion host. The public key should be added to your bastion host to whichever user you want to use with Airbyte. The private key is provided via copy-and-paste to the Airbyte connector configuration screen, so it may log in to the bastion.

Data Type Mapping

MySQL data types are mapped to the following data types when synchronizing data. You can check the test values examples here. If you can't find the data type you are looking for or have any problems feel free to add a new test!

Any database or table encoding combination of charset and collation is supported. Charset setting however will not be carried over to destination and data will be encoded with whatever is configured by the destination.

MySQL TypeResulting TypeNotes
bit(>1)base64 binary string
tinyint(>=1) unsignednumber
datestringISO 8601 date string. ZERO-DATE value will be converted to NULL. If column is mandatory, convert to EPOCH.
datetime, timestampstringISO 8601 datetime string. ZERO-DATE value will be converted to NULL. If column is mandatory, convert to EPOCH.
timestringISO 8601 time string. Values are in range between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59.
yearyear stringDoc
char, varchar with non-binary charsetstring
tinyblobbase64 binary string
blobbase64 binary string
mediumblobbase64 binary string
longblobbase64 binary string
binarybase64 binary string
varbinarybase64 binary string
jsonserialized json stringE.g. {"a": 10, "b": 15}
setstringE.g. blue,green,yellow
geometrybase64 binary string

If you do not see a type in this list, assume that it is coerced into a string. We are happy to take feedback on preferred mappings.

Upgrading from 0.6.8 and older versions to 0.6.9 and later versions

There is a backwards incompatible spec change between MySQL Source connector versions 0.6.8 and 0.6.9. As part of that spec change replication_method configuration parameter was changed to object from string.

In MySQL source connector versions 0.6.8 and older, replication_method configuration parameter was saved in the configuration database as follows:

"replication_method": "STANDARD"

Starting with version 0.6.9, replication_method configuration parameter is saved as follows:

"replication_method": {
"method": "STANDARD"

After upgrading MySQL Source connector from 0.6.8 or older version to 0.6.9 or newer version you need to fix source configurations in the actor table in Airbyte database. To do so, you need to run the following two SQL queries. Follow the instructions in Airbyte documentation to run SQL queries on Airbyte database.

If you have connections with MySQL Source using Standard replication method, run this SQL:

update set configuration =jsonb_set(configuration, '{replication_method}', '{"method": "STANDARD"}', true)
WHERE actor_definition_id ='435bb9a5-7887-4809-aa58-28c27df0d7ad' AND (configuration->>'replication_method' = 'STANDARD');

If you have connections with MySQL Source using Logical Replication (CDC) method, run this SQL:

update set configuration =jsonb_set(configuration, '{replication_method}', '{"method": "CDC"}', true)
WHERE actor_definition_id ='435bb9a5-7887-4809-aa58-28c27df0d7ad' AND (configuration->>'replication_method' = 'CDC');


VersionDatePull RequestSubject
3.1.42023-10-1131674Fail sync when Debezium fails to shut down properly
3.1.32023-10-1131322Correct pevious release
3.1.22023-09-2930806Cap log line length to 32KB to prevent loss of records
3.1.12023-09-2630744Update MySQL JDBC connection configs to keep default auto-commit behavior
3.1.02023-09-2130270Enhanced Standard Sync with initial load via Primary Key with a switch to cursor for incremental syncs
3.0.92023-09-2030620Airbyte Certified MySQL Source connector
3.0.82023-09-1430333CDC : Update the correct timezone parameter passed to Debezium to database.connectionTimezone
3.0.72023-09-1330375Fix a bug causing a failure when DB views are included in sync
3.0.62023-09-1230308CDC : Enable compression of schema history blob in state
3.0.52023-09-1230289CDC : Introduce logic for compression of schema history blob in state
3.0.42023-09-0630213CDC : Checkpointable initial snapshot
3.0.32023-08-3129821Set replication_method display_type to radio
3.0.22023-08-3030015Logging : Log storage engines associated with tables in the sync
3.0.12023-08-2129308CDC: Enable frequent state emissions during incremental runs
3.0.02023-08-0828756CDC: Set a default cursor
2.1.22023-08-0829220Add indicator that CDC is the recommended update method
2.1.12023-07-3128882Improve replication method labels and descriptions
2.1.02023-06-2627737License Update: Elv2
2.0.252023-06-2027212Fix silent exception swallowing in StreamingJdbcDatabase
2.0.242023-05-2526473CDC : Limit queue size
2.0.232023-05-2425586No need to base64 encode strings on databases sorted with binary collation
2.0.222023-05-2225859Allow adding sessionVariables JDBC parameters
2.0.212023-05-1025460Handle a decimal number with 0 decimal points as an integer
2.0.202023-05-0125740Disable index logging
2.0.192023-04-2625401CDC : Upgrade Debezium to version 2.2.0
2.0.182023-04-1925345Logging : Log database indexes per stream
2.0.172023-04-1924582CDC : refactor for performance improvement
2.0.162023-04-1725220Logging changes : Log additional metadata & clean up noisy logs
2.0.152023-04-1225131Make Client Certificate and Client Key always show
2.0.142023-04-1124656CDC minor refactor
2.0.132023-04-0624820Fix data loss bug during an initial failed non-CDC incremental sync
2.0.122023-04-0424833Fix Debezium retry policy configuration
2.0.112023-03-2824166Fix InterruptedException bug during Debezium shutdown
2.0.102023-03-2724529Preparing the connector for CDC checkpointing
2.0.92023-03-2424529Set SSL Mode to required on strict-encrypt variant
2.0.82023-03-2220760Removed redundant date-time datatypes formatting
2.0.72023-03-2124207Fix incorrect schema change warning in CDC mode
2.0.62023-03-2123984Support CDC heartbeats
2.0.52023-03-2124147Fix error with CDC checkpointing
2.0.42023-03-2024147Support different table structure during "DESCRIBE" query
2.0.32023-03-1524082Fixed NPE during cursor values validation
2.0.22023-03-1423908Log warning on null cursor values
2.0.12023-03-1023939For network isolation, source connector accepts a list of hosts it is allowed to connect
2.0.02023-03-0623112Upgrade Debezium version to 2.1.2
1.0.212023-01-2520939Adjust batch selection memory limits databases.
1.0.202023-01-2420593Handle ssh time out exception
1.0.192022-12-1420436Consolidate date/time values mapping for JDBC sources
1.0.182022-12-1420378Improve descriptions
1.0.172022-12-1320289Mark unknown column exception as config error
1.0.162022-12-1218959CDC : Don't timeout if snapshot is not complete.
1.0.152022-12-0620000Add check and better messaging when user does not have permission to access binary log in CDC mode
1.0.142022-11-2219514Adjust batch selection memory limits databases.
1.0.132022-11-1418956Clean up Tinyint Unsigned data type identification
1.0.122022-11-0719025Stop enforce SSL if ssl mode is disabled
1.0.112022-11-0318851Fix bug with unencrypted CDC connections
1.0.102022-11-0218619Fix bug with handling Tinyint(1) Unsigned values as boolean
1.0.92022-10-3118538Encode database name
1.0.82022-10-2518383Better SSH error handling + messages
1.0.72022-10-2118263Fixes bug introduced in 15833 and adds better error messaging for SSH tunnel in Destinations
1.0.62022-10-1918087Better error messaging for configuration errors (SSH configs, choosing an invalid cursor)
1.0.52022-10-1718041Fixes bug introduced 2022-09-12 with SshTunnel, handles iterator exception properly
2022-10-1315535Update incremental query to avoid data missing when new data is inserted at the same time as a sync starts under non-CDC incremental mode
1.0.42022-10-1117815Expose setting server timezone for CDC syncs
1.0.32022-10-0717236Fix large table issue by fetch size
1.0.22022-10-0317170Make initial CDC waiting time configurable
1.0.12022-10-0117459Upgrade debezium version to 1.9.6 from 1.9.2
1.0.02022-09-2717164Certify MySQL Source as Beta
0.6.152022-09-2717299Improve error handling for strict-encrypt mysql source
0.6.142022-09-2616954Implement support for snapshot of new tables in CDC mode
0.6.132022-09-1415668Wrap logs in AirbyteLogMessage
0.6.122022-09-1316657Improve CDC record queueing performance
0.6.112022-09-0816202Adds error messaging factory to UI
0.6.102022-09-0816007Implement per stream state support.
0.6.92022-09-0316216Standardize spec for CDC replication. See upgrade instructions above.
0.6.82022-09-0116259Emit state messages more frequently
0.6.72022-08-3016114Prevent traffic going on an unsecured channel in strict-encryption version of source mysql
0.6.62022-08-2515993Improved support for connecting over SSL
0.6.52022-08-2515917Fix temporal data type default value bug
0.6.42022-08-1814356DB Sources: only show a table can sync incrementally if at least one column can be used as a cursor field
0.6.32022-08-1215044Added the ability to connect using different SSL modes and SSL certificates
0.6.22022-08-1115538Allow additional properties in db stream state
0.6.12022-08-0214801Fix multiple log bindings
0.6.02022-07-2614362Integral columns are now discovered as int64 fields.
0.5.172022-07-2214714Clarified error message when invalid cursor column selected
0.5.162022-07-1414574Removed additionalProperties:false from JDBC source connectors
0.5.152022-06-2314077Use the new state management
0.5.132022-06-2113945Aligned datatype test
0.5.122022-06-1713864Updated stacktrace format for any trace message errors
0.5.112022-05-0312544Prevent source from hanging under certain circumstances by adding a watcher for orphaned threads.
0.5.102022-04-2912480Query tables with adaptive fetch size to optimize JDBC memory consumption
0.5.92022-04-0611729Bump mina-sshd from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0
0.5.62022-02-2110242Fixed cursor for old connectors that use non-microsecond format. Now connectors work with both formats
0.5.52022-02-1810242Updated timestamp transformation with microseconds
0.5.42022-02-1110251bug Source MySQL CDC: sync failed when has Zero-date value in mandatory column
0.5.22021-12-146425MySQL CDC sync fails because starting binlog position not found in DB
0.5.12021-12-138582Update connector fields title/description
0.5.02021-12-117970Support all MySQL types
0.4.132021-12-038335Source-MySql: do not check cdc required param binlog_row_image for standard replication
0.4.122021-12-018371Fixed incorrect handling "\n" in ssh key
0.4.112021-11-198047Source MySQL: transform binary data base64 format
0.4.102021-11-157820Added basic performance test
0.4.92021-11-027559Correctly process large unsigned short integer values which may fall outside java's Short data type capability
0.4.82021-09-166093Improve reliability of processing various data types like decimals, dates, datetime, binary, and text
0.4.72021-09-306585Improved SSH Tunnel key generation steps
0.4.62021-09-296510Support SSL connection
0.4.52021-09-176146Added option to connect to DB via SSH
0.4.12021-07-234956Fix log link
0.3.72021-06-093179Add AIRBYTE_ENTRYPOINT for Kubernetes support
0.3.62021-06-093966Fix excessive logging for CDC method
0.3.52021-06-073890Fix CDC handle tinyint(1) and boolean types
0.3.42021-06-043846Fix max integer value failure
0.3.32021-06-023789MySQL CDC poll wait 5 minutes when not received a single record
0.3.22021-06-013757MySQL CDC poll 5s to 5 min
0.3.12021-06-013505Implemented MySQL CDC
0.3.02021-04-212990Support namespaces
0.2.52021-04-152899Fix bug in tests
0.2.42021-03-282600Add NCHAR and NVCHAR support to DB and cursor type casting
0.2.32021-03-262611Add an optional jdbc_url_params in parameters
0.2.22021-03-262460Destination supports destination sync mode
0.2.12021-03-182488Sources support primary keys
0.2.02021-03-092238Protocol allows future/unknown properties
0.1.102021-02-021887Migrate AbstractJdbcSource to use iterators
0.1.92021-01-251746Fix NPE in State Decorator
0.1.82021-01-191724Fix JdbcSource handling of tables with same names in different schemas
0.1.72021-01-141655Fix JdbcSource OOM
0.1.62021-01-081307Migrate Postgres and MySQL to use new JdbcSource
0.1.52020-12-111267Support incremental sync
0.1.42020-11-301046Add connectors using an index YAML file